Life Coach, Autism Mom & Founder of Champions For Our Children.
I created this workshop to help parents desperate to stop aggressive and/or problem behavior for good. Watch now and have a changed relationship with child forever!
Your Training Starts In...
In This “Training” You'll Learn ...
What is the #1 CAUSE of Aggressive and Problem Behavior for children with Autism (and why you haven’t seen results .. until now!)
The KEY factors needed for defusing problem or aggressive behavior BEFORE it happens (and how to personalize the response for your child)
Use your roadmap we build on in the workshop to bridge the gap from where your child is now to where you want to them to be(with this KEY foundational element that most parents miss)
* we will not spam, rent or sell your information *
Your Local Time:6:30 PM
Introducing Your Presenter:
Michelle B. Rogers
Life Coach, Autism Mom & Founder of Champions For Our Children.
Whether your child is non verbal, pre verbal ,or a “repeater” I created this workshop to help get them communicating so you can meet their needs and have a changed relationship with them forever!
Your Training Starts In...
In This “Training” You'll Learn ...
Why EVERY child with Autism has the ability to communicate (and why you haven’t seen results .. until now!)
The KEY factors needed for communication that every parent should know (and how to personalize it for your child)
Use your roadmap we build on the workshop in the live event to bridge the gap from where your child is now to where you want to them to be (with this KEY foundational element that most parents miss)
* we will not spam, rent or sell your information *